
补助金是不需要偿还的钱. 不朽情缘官网app will package all students with any federal/state grants for which they are eligible. 这些可能包括以下内容:


The Federal Pell Grant: available to undergraduates who are U.S. Citizens or eligible non-公民, and who have not completed their first undergraduate degree. Grant amounts are based on the Student Aid Eligibility Index (SAI) calculated on the FAFSA. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 联邦学生资助. Pell grant recipients with anticipated credit balances may request an advance of their refund to purchase books and supplies. Contact the Office of 金融援助 for more information.

The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG): available to students who are Pell eligible. 资金是有限的,而且是基于未满足的需求. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 联邦学生资助.


The 高等教育紧急救援基金, has now been exhausted, effective May 2023. HEERF是作为冠状病毒援助的一部分创建的, 救济和经济安全(关怀)法, 并于3月27日签署成为法律, 2020年应对Covid-19全国紧急情况. This fund provided emergency grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. 了解茱莉亚学院是如何使用这笔资金的.


The New York State 学费 Assistance Program (TAP): available to full-time undergraduate students who meet the State Education Department's New York residency requirements. 学生必须毕业于美国大学.S. 高中. Grants range from $1,000 to $5,665 per year for tuition only. New York State (NYS) residents attending NYS schools can link directly to the 纽约大学学生助学金申请 从FAFSA提交确认页面. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 高等教育服务公司.


The Department of Veteran Affairs administers a variety of education benefit programs; however, the 退伍军人权利法》® and the Yellow Ribbon Program are the two most commonly used programs at the School.

To determine which VA educational benefit is best for you and to discuss your eligibility, 学生及家属应与学校联络 退伍军人权利法》® 热线电话:1-888-GIBILL1(1-888-442-4551)或访问 www.好处.va.gov / gibill.

《2018年退伍军人福利和过渡法案 (Public Law 115-407) was signed into law on December 31, 2018. In compliance with this law, 不朽情缘官网app allows 退伍军人权利法》® 和虚拟现实&E beneficiaries (Chapter 33 and Chapter 31) to attend a course of education 90 days after the school has certified tuition and fees, and following the receipt of the Certificate of Eligibility, 或有效的VAF 28-1905. This allows a student to attend classes until VA provides payment to the institution.  茱莉亚学院不会对学生进行处罚, or require the beneficiary to borrow additional funds to cover tuition and fees due to late payments from VA. 

退伍军人权利法》®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 更多的 information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站 http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill


We strongly encourage all students to apply for privately funded grants and scholarships. There are a number of online databases that catalogue a wide variety of opportunities. 除了, 许多兄弟, 工业, 社区, and religious organizations sponsor scholarship programs which should be investigated through the particular institution.

Prospective applicants may wish to begin their search during their junior and/or senior year of 高中 and may seek information from their guidance counselor regarding application procedures. Current Juilliard students may view the list of opportunities on this page.


Although we make every effort to inform students of grant opportunities, we strongly encourage students to do their own research as well. Here are some websites that you may find helpful when searching for private grants. Remember, you should never have to pay a fee to apply for a grant or scholarship!


参观纽约公共图书馆(NYPL) 基金会中心资源 for an online database of foundation and public charity programs that fund students, 艺术家, 研究人员, 以及其他个人资助申请者.

为人类而音乐 奖学金申请现已开始接受! 奖学金金额从1000美元到7500美元不等.  申请时间为2月15日至4月30日.

国会黑人核心小组基金会(CBCF) awards scholarships to students who intend to pursue full-time undergraduate, 研究生或博士学位. 对你.S. 公民及合法永久居民. Visit their website about various scholarship opportunities.  数量不同. 申请截止日期:各种截止日期

国家优秀奖学金公司 is an academic competition for recognition and scholarships that began in 1955. 大约1.5 million 高中 students enter the program each year.

亚洲 & 太平洋岛民美国奖学金 open to AANHPI undergraduate students attending any U.S. 认可大学或学院. Scholarship amounts range from $2,500 one-year awards to $20,000 multi-year awards. APIA Scholars has a special focus on supporting AANHPI students who live at or below the poverty line; are in the first generation of their family to attend college; are representative of the APIA 社区’s diversity, (地理上和种族上), especially those ethnicities that have been underrepresented on college campuses due to limited access and opportunity.

POINT基金会(LGBTQ奖学金基金) offers LGBTQ scholarships for students at accredited US schools, universities and colleges. 他们提供社区大学奖学金, as well as scholarship programs for students earning undergraduate, 研究生和博士学位.

希伯来免费贷款协会 awards scholarships to Jewish students who are pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. 对你.S. 公民 and Permanent Residents and 国际学生. 数量不同.  The deadline for this scholarship is normally June of each year.

保罗 & 黛西·索罗斯奖学金 supports New Americans in the pursuit of graduate education. 每个奖项的最高奖金为25美元,000英镑的津贴支持, 以及所需学杂费的50%, 最高20美元,000元/年, 一到两年.  U级学生.S. 公民, 归化的公民, 绿卡持有人, 采用, 或DACA接受者有资格申请.  应用程序将于4月17日上线.  

西班牙裔奖学金基金 supports Hispanic undergraduate and graduate students. 奖学金金额因奖学金而异. 坦诚的ates are selected based on academic achievement, 财务需要, 个人优点, 和领导能力. Students may apply to as many scholarships for which they are eligible but may receive only one HSF scholarship per academic year.